Monday 29 November 2010

Reader/Music Fan Profile

Reader Profile

Male - 90%
Average Age - 22
Married or Living with Partner - 38%
Work Full Time - 70%

A Krunch reader tends to enjoy a variety of music from metal to chart music, but tends to focus mainly on comtemporary rock and indie music, A krunch reader tends to download their music rather then buy it.

Music Fan Profile

Contemporary Geezers
- Indie/Rock
- Go to gigs once a month
- 16-30
- Mostly Male
- Plays acoustic/electric guitar
- Likes Retro and contemporary indie music
- Band T-shirts
- Jeans - Baggy/Slouch
- Skate shoes/trainers
- Foo Fighters/Kasabian/Kings of Leon
- Also have a taste for popular rock music
- Watches music television channels like Kerrang! and Q Music
- Spends £30 a month buying tracks and downloading albums online and £10 a month buying CD's at HMV and other stores

Mission Statement

My magazine "Krunch" is a rock/indie magazine which tends to focus on contemporary rock and indie. "Krunch" will combine indie bands such as Kasabian with rock bands such as 30 seconds to mars.
"Krunch" will be aimed at older teens right up to people age 30 and as well as focusing on new bands it also focuses on new album releases, tours and band interviews. It is aimed at the generation of people who download their music online rather than go out and buy their music at stores such as HMV etc.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Music Magazine Questionnaire Results

I handed out my questionnaire to 10 people on the 14th November, these were the results I have recieved:
1. What title would you like for the magazine cover?
(a) Taste (2)
(b) Krunch (3)
(c) Damaged (5)
(d) Other (0)

2. Are you male or female?
(a) Male (6)
(b) Female (4)

3. What kind of music would you like to see on the cover?
(a) Indie (4)
(b) Alternative (1)
(c) Rock (4)
(d) Metal (1)

4. How many images would you want to see on the cover?
(a) 1-2 (3)
(b) 3-4 (7)
(c) 5-6 (0)
(d) 7+ (0)

5. Who would you prefer to be on the cover?
(a) Solo artist (4)
(b) Band (6)

6. What other things would you like to see on the cover?
(a) News & Reviews (4)
(b) Upcoming Gigs/Concerts (3)
(c) Interviews (3)

7. How much would you pay for a music magazine?
(a) £1-£2 (1)
(b) £2-£3 (1)
(c) £3-£4 (8)
(d) £4+ (0)


After looking through my questionnaire results I have decided I am going to call my music magazine "Damaged" as it has an aggressive feel to it which I think could attract the target audience I am looking for.
I am going to make it a rock/indie magazine and will look to target people from the ages of 16-30. I will have 3-4 images on the main cover, one of which will be the main image, I shall have three subsidiary images, the main one of course focusing around the cover artist, from my questionnaire I have chosen to use a band for my cover rather than a solo artist. I will use subsidiary images to show inside the news & reviews page, and i might use another of my images to advertise a new group on the scene.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Questionnaire Evaluation

Looking back at the results I collected the year group I have chosen to put on the cover is the sixth form as they have collected the majority of the votes. The most popular colour scheme was yellow & black which is now associated with the uniform. People would like to see 3 or more pictures in total on the cover. The most popular masthead title I have is 'King Henry Times' I like the idea of this title as it is very formal and has a newspaper like  feel to it. The main headlines people would like to see are reviews and sport success. People are willing to pay up to £1 for this magazine.

Thursday 7 October 2010


 1. What year groups would you like to see on the cover of the magazine?

(a) Year 7-9
(b) Year 10-11
(c) Sixth Form

2. What colour scheme would you like on the cover?

(a) Yellow & black
(b) Blue & white
(c) Yellow & white

3. How many pictures would you like on the cover?

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) more than 3

4. Which of these titles would you prefer?

(a) Sky High
(b) King Henry Times
(c) Reach

5. What would be the main headline you would like to see?

(a) Sports Success
(b) Exam Results
(c) Reviews

6. How much would you be willing to pay for the school magazine?

(a) Under £1
(b) £1.01 - £2
(c) More than £2