Wednesday 13 October 2010

Questionnaire Evaluation

Looking back at the results I collected the year group I have chosen to put on the cover is the sixth form as they have collected the majority of the votes. The most popular colour scheme was yellow & black which is now associated with the uniform. People would like to see 3 or more pictures in total on the cover. The most popular masthead title I have is 'King Henry Times' I like the idea of this title as it is very formal and has a newspaper like  feel to it. The main headlines people would like to see are reviews and sport success. People are willing to pay up to £1 for this magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Alex, you have included some relevant information in your analysis of the questionnaire results. The masthead "King Henry Times" is conventional but you don't seem to have considered a suitable strapline or slogan for the magazine.

    You now need to create a rough draft of your magazine cover and post it on your blog as soon as possible.
