Tuesday 16 November 2010

Music Magazine Questionnaire Results

I handed out my questionnaire to 10 people on the 14th November, these were the results I have recieved:
1. What title would you like for the magazine cover?
(a) Taste (2)
(b) Krunch (3)
(c) Damaged (5)
(d) Other (0)

2. Are you male or female?
(a) Male (6)
(b) Female (4)

3. What kind of music would you like to see on the cover?
(a) Indie (4)
(b) Alternative (1)
(c) Rock (4)
(d) Metal (1)

4. How many images would you want to see on the cover?
(a) 1-2 (3)
(b) 3-4 (7)
(c) 5-6 (0)
(d) 7+ (0)

5. Who would you prefer to be on the cover?
(a) Solo artist (4)
(b) Band (6)

6. What other things would you like to see on the cover?
(a) News & Reviews (4)
(b) Upcoming Gigs/Concerts (3)
(c) Interviews (3)

7. How much would you pay for a music magazine?
(a) £1-£2 (1)
(b) £2-£3 (1)
(c) £3-£4 (8)
(d) £4+ (0)


After looking through my questionnaire results I have decided I am going to call my music magazine "Damaged" as it has an aggressive feel to it which I think could attract the target audience I am looking for.
I am going to make it a rock/indie magazine and will look to target people from the ages of 16-30. I will have 3-4 images on the main cover, one of which will be the main image, I shall have three subsidiary images, the main one of course focusing around the cover artist, from my questionnaire I have chosen to use a band for my cover rather than a solo artist. I will use subsidiary images to show inside the news & reviews page, and i might use another of my images to advertise a new group on the scene.

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