Monday 29 November 2010

Reader/Music Fan Profile

Reader Profile

Male - 90%
Average Age - 22
Married or Living with Partner - 38%
Work Full Time - 70%

A Krunch reader tends to enjoy a variety of music from metal to chart music, but tends to focus mainly on comtemporary rock and indie music, A krunch reader tends to download their music rather then buy it.

Music Fan Profile

Contemporary Geezers
- Indie/Rock
- Go to gigs once a month
- 16-30
- Mostly Male
- Plays acoustic/electric guitar
- Likes Retro and contemporary indie music
- Band T-shirts
- Jeans - Baggy/Slouch
- Skate shoes/trainers
- Foo Fighters/Kasabian/Kings of Leon
- Also have a taste for popular rock music
- Watches music television channels like Kerrang! and Q Music
- Spends £30 a month buying tracks and downloading albums online and £10 a month buying CD's at HMV and other stores

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